Philatelic and Postal management Office is Government of Nepal's central authority responsible for publication, storage, supply as well as philatelic activities of postage stamps all over the nation as well as beyond it. The office is union of two former separate entities, Central Stamp Store, (responsible for storage and supply of postage stamps to all regional and local level post offices around the country) and Nepal philatelic bureau (responsible for all philatelic activites of postage stamps within and outside the country). While the two offices conducted their operation as separate ones , after 2075 B.S. the two have been merged into a new name 'Philatelic and Postal Stamp management Office' which now oversees all the activites under a single authority. The major activities of the office includes the following:
- Selection and Publication of Postage stamps annually.
- Selection of Security Press for postage stamps printing periodically through e-bidding.
- Supply of Postage stamps to various regional and local level post offices all over the country as per their demands and requirements.
- Conduction of various philatelic activites in an aim to promote philately within the nation.